Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15

The E. End Galleries were somewhat anticlimactic. In the first gallery, the only thing that really caught my attention was the brick wall with the pissing boy on it... It reminded me of home and all the stickers of him I find on the road. But other than that... I really did enjoy "From Here to Eternity" by Oliver Pietsch... At first, anyway. I liked that that section of the movie showed clips dead people and living animals being brought together in some way, bridging the gap between life and death. The music was very amusing and light hearted in contrast to the dark, morbid imagery. Once the film moved onto the hell parts, I felt less drawn to it, but sill wanted to watch it to the end. If anyone finds it online, please let me know! I'll be looking for it once we get back home.

For the most part, our experience in the east end was a frustrating one. Most of the galleries were closed and my back was beginning to flare up at some point and I had forgotten my Motrin at the flat... So we visited a couple more galleries before heading back. The last one we went to was the White Cube featuring Rachel Kneebone's work. I found it interesting that her works looked so fragile and beautiful from afar or at first glance, but once we got up close, we saw clearly the graphic, macabre, sometimes violent content. I've noticed that in a lot of contemporary artists' work, they attempt to bridge the gap between the beautiful or sensuous with the grotesque. I'd like to write my paper about something along those lines..

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